Wednesday 18 August 2021

 A week of organising for me this week. I decided to set aside specific days for specific things so that, hopefully, I wouldn't forget anything.  Kept my trusty Hinch List book nearby so I could add if anything popped into my head.

Monday's are always a bit chaotic as I tend to do phone calls so I know they are done and my veg box is delivered meaning I clean out the fridge. Sorting the fridge is always a fun activity. Finding out what's leftover from last week, what veggies need using up, checking dates on things found at the back and giving everything a really good sort out and wash down.  Deodorised and cleaned out the overflow at the back of the fridge which was pretty gross 😂

I decided that a bit of garden every day would also be a good idea as I'm a tad behind on some areas including bulb planting. So I spent an hour outside de-weeding the woodland area, cutting back the nettles and raking the freshly dug bit so it was level. Never get rid of your nettles! Good for wildlife, young shoots are fantastic in soups and, when dried, make a brilliant tea. I got a tad muddy!!

Made the Christmas cake finally!! Been soaking for days, but as it was pretty much pure alcohol it was soaking in, it was fine. Trying a new recipe and if it tastes good, I'll post it up another time.

Dinner was a lentil and spinach flan/tart with parmesan and herb gluten free pastry. Recipe below.

Tuesday was garden day proper. Got all the bulbs planted in the woodland area; blue and white muscari, white narcissus and white alliums. I already have English bluebells and dwarf narcissus in there.  It's a patch of the garden I really want to concentrate on next year. Also lugged 5 x 40l of peat free compost up onto the lawn and raked thinly over the area where I want wildflowers. I didn't dig it over as there are already some wildflowers in there.  To be honest our grass is pretty patchy and full of moss, but I encourage the daisies and dandelions. I've already put in some bulbs and threw on some odds and ends of flower seed packets and I'll be scattering yellow rattle (controls grass), a couple of bags of beebombs, 

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