Monday 22 August 2016


Well, it's been an odd few months in the Wing It household.  We've had a few financial downs, followed by a bit of an up and some emotional crap so shopping and cooking has been a bit hit and miss.  Along with the hot weather and me aching like hell (who says warm weather helps the aches and pains?), I've really not been in the mood for cooking or creating something fab.

Dinners have mainly been freezer food standbys like pizza, sausages, burgers and generally the 'unhealthy' food that we keep for quick and emergency meals along with bargain gluten free foods that I've managed to snap up in the yellow label area of the local supermarket.

If I'm honest, I'm longing to get back in there and cook properly, but at the same time, I'm just not that motivated to do it.  I'm sure we all get times like this and I know I shouldn't feel guilty about it.  I think I need to go through the freezer and itemise all the meat and fish and veg that we have in there so I have some advance ideas for menus as that has also lapsed over the past few weeks and I might get some inspiration for doing some proper food.  I really miss my veg box that I used to have delivered as it arrived on Monday and I spent the afternoon working menus around it, but beggars can't be choosers and we are just not in the financial situation to get them anymore.  Hopefully by the end of the year we will be.

I've been posting up some recipes on the Facebook page that I want to try later on, but I haven't been creative myself.

I want the Autumn.  I want casseroles and roasts and curries and all that lovely winter veg.  I always find Summer a bit boring, apart from the wide availability of soft fruits, the new tomatoes and potatoes soon lose their appeal and I get a tad fed up with salads especially as I have a 'what's this rabbit food' male in my household.  I want jacket spuds and decent mashed potato back and the ability to get out in my kitchen, cook all afternoon and not come out looking and feeling like I've been in a Turkish sauna!  Waaaah!!

Seriously considering extending the kitchen into the patio area a bit so I can do some outdoor cooking.  Need a nice built in BBQ and a brick oven I think ;-)  Add a camping stove/open fire and a prep area and I'll be sorted.  Nice to dream isn't it?

Anyway, thought I'd write a quick update as to why things have been a bit slow on the Wing It front and am looking forward to end Aug/Sept when the pickling and the advance Christmas cooking can start.
